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For all the following services, grEnz can:
construct — demolish | install | maintain
& advise — consult | design | train
Licensed & insured; plus, extensive warranties on all construction services.
List of Services

Planting: transplanting | seeding | eco-turf, eco-lawn, sod | green pavement ** | firescape | ecological restoration | bio-intensive agriculture | food forests | stormwater infiltration  | effluent discharge treatment | silvopasture & grazing systems | pollinators & beneficial insects | wildlife habitat

Soil: remediation | decompaction | de-pavement** | stabilization & structuring | water percolation | fertility management | tilthing | mulch, soil, gravel

Plant care: eco-IPM | pruning | aesthetic pruning | bio-fertilization | turf + lawn care | tree + shrub care | harmonization with wildlife

Green Cycling: tree pruning & removal (**) | overgrowth mitigation | grazing | composting | debris repurposing

Earthworks: embankments | swales | dams | ponds** | waterways & conveyances | flow detention | permeable structural pavement & driveway** | boulders | logs

Water: efficient irrigation systems | valves, pipes, distribution | drip irrigation | spray irrigation | water quality enhancement | food-safe hose rigs

Hydrologic: stormwater infiltration & rainwater harvesting | runoff catchment | graywater ** | humus wells | groundwater recharge | watershed management

Design: eco-restoration (landscape, parkland, and wildlands) | permaculture (intensive farm & homestead) | holistic management (rangeland & broadacre farm)

Land Management: fire safety & fuels reduction | wildlife habitat | invasive plant mitigation | environmental monitoring | rangeland management

Agriculture: growing beds | compost systems | nursery and propagation | greenhouses* | poly-tunnels | cold-frames | season extension

Built Environment: natural outdoor building * | natural painting, stain. & finish | indoor plants | outdoor lighting | pressure-washing | tidy-up | hauling*

Remediable in the Landscape: pests | disease | weeds | overgrowth | erosion | water stabilization | heat islands | cold sinks

Mitigable for the Property: air quality | wind | noise | privacy | security | odor

Attainable Aspirations: ecological net-benefit | carbon sequestration | food security & abundance | thermoregulation and microclimate optimization | 

scents, aroma, and fragrance | high-value, low-cost aesthetic landscape features | color schemes (you name it!) | LEED landscape compliance

     * = grEnz integrates this component into the project and subcontracts and oversees much of its performance by a specialist.
     ** =  Same as * (right above) except that grEnz will also often recommend that the client save significant money by directly hiring the specialist.
     () = May be done by grEnz or a specialist,  TBD by your specifications.

...and now, reach out here or call 510.788.0691


Plus, *receive special rates*  by ordering services in their ideal months of onset:

August thru November: Soil | Planting | Hydrologic

December & January: Design | Earthworks

February & March: Water

April & May: Land Management | Green Cycling

June & July: Built Environment | Agriculture | Plant Care

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